Developing Community Communication Innovators to Create Value Added Eco-Cultural Tourism : Phu Pha Thong, Roi Et Province
Communication Innovators, Community Communication, Eco-Cultural TourismAbstract
Research on the Developing Community Communication Innovators to Create Value Added Eco-Cultural Tourism: Phu Pha Thong, Roi Et province it is mixed methods research. The objective is to study factors related to development community communication innovator, study guidelines for developing community communication innovators. Research tools include questionnaires and interviews.
Factors related to the development of community communication innovators to create added value in eco-cultural tourism: Phu Pha Thong, Roi Et province. It is quantitative research from a sample of 400 tourists. It was found that factors related to skills related to messengers and skills related to content It has the highest mean of 3.80, which is at a high level, followed by skills related to the audience and communication style considered an average of 3.7. Result of testing the relationship between Characteristics of community communication innovators and factors related to the development of community communication innovators. It was found that the factors regarding skills related to messengers There is a very high level of relationship with the characteristics of community communication innovators (r =.921**) with statistical significance at the 0.01 level. This research was found guidelines for developing community communication innovators under the “Phu Pha Tong Story” communication model consist of 3 important elements. 1.Creating participation 2. Building communication skills 3. Creating and promoting tourism.
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