A Study of Relationship between Ergonomic Risks and Degree of Pain in Back and Shoulder Muscles from Computerized Work of Teachers and Staffs at Kanchanabhisek Institute of Medical and Public Health Technology, Nonthaburi Province
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The purpose of this research was to assess the degree of ergonomic risk from computerized work, to evaluate the pain level of the back and shoulder muscles from computerized work, and to study the relationship between ergonomic risks and degree of pain in the back and shoulder muscles from computerized work of teachers and staffs at Kanchanabhisek institute of medical and public health technology (KMPHT), Nonthaburi. The sample group were spent 4 hours a day or more behind a computer and have muscles pain in the back and shoulders. The sample group were calculated by using G*Power program. Twenty-tree sample group were random sampling by drawing lots. The research tool used to collect data was an assessment form on ergonomic risks based on Rapid office strain assessment (ROSA) and degree of pain in the back and shoulder muscles from computerized work. Data were analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, One-sample t-test and Pearson's Correlation statistics. The results of the study found that teachers and staffs working with computers showed a risk scale at 5 or more (82.6%), which meant that additional studies and behavioral improvements were needed quickly. The degree of muscles pain from computerized work of teachers and staffs was in moderate level (Mean=4.43). The most common areas of pain being the trapezius (91.3%), followed by the latissimus (34.8%) and the deltoid (30.4%), respectively. Moreover, Ergonomic risks were also associated with the degree of muscles pain on computerized work of teachers and staffs. There was a correlation at the significance level of 0.05, which was moderately correlated.
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