Ethics in publishing research articles

            The Journal of Applied Social Sciences aims to provide a platform for researchers, scientists, and academicians to share knowledge and ideas in the form of high-quality articles in the form of original research or review covering the main fields as applied social sciences, humanity, language, cultural, management in public and business, hospitality and tourism, sociology and environment, public health, social innovation, demography, population studies, physical education. It's also a medium of presentation. Exchange of academic knowledge of faculty, experts, and graduate students in the form of academic articles and research articles of value to academic circles and society.


The Journal of Applied Social Sciences has focused on publication ethics by setting publication standards that are in line with the ethical standards of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).  Strictly follow ethical principles and standards in accordance with the following roles and responsibilities:


Author Ethical Responsibilities

1. An author cannot submit the same article to multiple journals.

2. The content of the article must be in accordance with the purpose of the journal.

3. Authors must not plagiarize the work of others.

4. Authors must mention the work of others when writing their articles. If they use images. Or other sections from other articles. They must credit the original author.

5. The author will make sure that the information in the reference is correct. This includes checking the spelling and content of the references.

6. The author of the article must adapt the article to the format and font size of the journal's template.

7. Every author in an article really needs to contribute to the article.

8. Authors must provide funding sources that support this research and/or have a conflict of interest in the article and notify editors.

9. Authors must not create inaccurate information in their articles, including creating false information, misrepresenting facts, or choosing to present information that supports conclusions that do not match reality.

10. If the author is doing research on humans. Authors must follow certain rules to ensure that the dignity, rights, safety, and welfare of the people are taken care of. Authors must obtain an ethics certificate from the Human Research Ethics Committee and request a certificate of ethics in humans.

Editor Roles and Responsibility

1. Editors are responsible for checking the quality of articles to be published in the journals in which they work. If an article is published elsewhere, it will not be accepted for publication in an editorial journal.

2. Editors don't need to say who wrote the article.

3. Editors are responsible for ensuring that published research is accurate and has reliable results. This means that editors must ensure that the research is based on accurate data and methodology. It then decides whether to publish the research based on its value and importance.

4. Editors should not have any conflict of interest with the author or assessor, which means that editors cannot have any personal relationships or ties that may affect an editor's work.

5. Editors carefully review the article for evidence of plagiarism.

6. When an editor detects plagiarism of others. Assessments must be suspended and authors must be contacted to consider accepting or rejecting publication.

Reviewer Roles and Responsibilities

1. Assessors are not allowed to tell others who are not part of the review process about articles the assessor has read.

2. If the assesses has a conflict of interest with the author. Journal editors must be notified and will not write reviews.

3. Article assessors should only assess articles where the assessor has expertise in the article field. And if any part of the article is identical or duplicated with another work. The assessor must notify the editor.

 Role of the author

It has a functional role in operating the journal.

1. Determine whether the scope of the research is within the scope of the journal. The scope of the journal for open fields includes applied social sciences, humanities, languages, culture, government and business management, hotel and tourism management, sociology and the environment, public health. social innovation, demography physical education and recreation

2. Authors cannot submit their own articles to other journals while still under review in this journal.

3. The author must present their scholarly views clearly and consistently in the article. Research articles must have the correct methodology. As for academic articles, authors must use academic analysis, synthesis, and reasoning

4. Authors are not allowed to copy other people's work (plagiarism) or copy their own work (self-plagiarism).

5. In writing an article, the author must follow a specific article writing style. Please make sure to write everything in the correct order and use the right words.

6. The author must follow the journal's rules for submitting articles. Articles can be submitted online through the journal's online system.

7. The author may disagree with the decision in the article, and if there is evidence to clearly support the argument. The author can also explain the reason to the editor so that the reviewer can make new decisions about the article.

 Role of the reader

1. The Journal of Applied Social Sciences allows the general reader to download research articles, and academic articles immediately without the need for a subscription

2. Please cite authors and applied social science journals. Friends continue to benefit others.