The Transmission of Learning from the Participants of NCDs-Health PsyCap Enhancement Program to their Families: Individual and Family Level of Analysis


  • Vitanya Vanno Program of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, 10110, Thailand


Health PsyCap, Non-Communicable Diseases, Enhancement Program, Group-Level Variables, Data-Aggregation


Psychological capital or PsyCap was studied as a group-level variable. However, group-level PsyCap was merely studied in the work and educational context. This research aimed to extend the study of group-level PsyCap to the health context. The objectives of this research were to compare the score of NCDs-related health PsyCap of family members (individual-level) and those in family (group-level or family-level) before and after the program participants transmit the learning received from the NCDs-health PsyCap enhancement program to their family. The participants included 20 program participants who responsible for transmitting the learning to their family, 26 program participants’ family members, and 21 family of program participants. The manipulated variable was the transmission of learning based on the learning transmission plan and the dependent variable was the NCDs-related health PsyCap. The instruments were the learning transmission plan and the NCDs-Health PsyCap Scale. The one-group pretest-posttest design was used in this study. The within-group interrater reliability statistic (rwg) and intraclass correlation coefficients: ICC(1) and ICC(2) were calculated to justify aggregating individual-level data to the group-level. Individual-and group-level data were analyzed by using paired samples t-test. Findings showed that the score of overall NCDs-related health PsyCap of the program participants’ family members (individual-level) and those in family of program participants (group-level or family-level) were increased at the statistically significant level of .01.




How to Cite

Vanno, V. . (2023). The Transmission of Learning from the Participants of NCDs-Health PsyCap Enhancement Program to their Families: Individual and Family Level of Analysis. Journal of Research Methodology, 36(1), 47–62. retrieved from



Research Article