The Expectations Regarding the Career Development of the 3rd And 4th Year Students at Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi

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Daoruang Luangkajorn
Rujiraporn Tangphung
Tharathorn sripratum


This research aims to investigate the career expectations of fourth-year students at Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi and assess whether academic performance affects these expectations. Furthermore, the study aims to provide guidance to the students on understanding their potential and the career prospects they anticipate. The research employs a quantitative approach using a questionnaire as a data collection tool. The questionnaire is divided into three parts, covering personal factors and questions related to career expectations. The study population consists of 220 third and fourth-year students at Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi. Data analysis is conducted to collect and evaluate the information, allowing us to test hypotheses and address the research questions. The statistical methods deemed appropriate are applied for analysis to explore the factors influencing career expectations.

Key Findings: From the analysis of academic performance and its impact on career expectations among fourth-year students at Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi, the study suggests the following recommendations for students:

  1. Focus on Building Social Skills: The research reveals that the sense of entering the workforce and having average opinions have the most significant impact on career expectations. Therefore, students should prioritize developing their social skills and networking abilities to enhance their career prospects.

  2. Align Academic Performance with Career Goals: While academic performance alone may not directly influence career expectations, students should ensure that their academic achievements align with their chosen career path and interests.

  3. Continuously Assess and Adapt Career Expectations: Students should regularly assess and adapt their career expectations to stay in line with their evolving interests and industry trends. Staying flexible and open to new opportunities can lead to a more satisfying and successful career journey.

Overall, this study highlights the importance of a holistic approach to career development, considering both academic performance and personal factors that shape students' career expectations.

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How to Cite
Luangkajorn, D. ., Tangphung, R., & sripratum, T. . (2023). The Expectations Regarding the Career Development of the 3rd And 4th Year Students at Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi. Journal of Applied Social Sciences, 1(2), 52–66. retrieved from
Research Article


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