Effects of Exposure to Pornography in Junior High School Students
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The development of technology and information makes it easier and easier to access pornographic content. adolescents are the group that uses the Internet the most, making them the most vulnerable to pornographic risks, which can lead to abnormal sexual behavior. This research aimed to identify of pornography exposure in junior high school students. This research was descriptive research with quantitative methods using a cross sectional approach. This study was conducted on students at SMPN 1 Capkala, Bengkayang Regency. The population in this study were all students who had been exposed to pornography at SMPN 1 Capkala, Bengkayang Regency, namely 79 people. Total sampling was used in this research. Univariate analysis was used. This research found that the majority of respondents were female (50.6%), and were in their early teens (91.1%), and 17.7% were dating. The reasons respondents accessed pornography were mostly influenced by peer invitations (50.6%), and 49.4% curiosity. As many as 65.8% of respondents accessed pornography for more than 1 hour, mostly time to accessed in the afternoon and evening (82.3%). Mobile phones are the most widely used means of accessing pornography (73.4%), and in the form of videos/films (67.1%). The effects of pornography exposure on respondents included addiction (32.9%), escalation (13.9%), desensitization and acting out (26.6%). It is recommended that health and educational services be provided in order to enhance the efficacy of programs such as PKPR, GenRe, peer counseling, and healthy school-based pornographic addiction screening.
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