An Analysis on the Management of Teachers' Ability Improvement in Universities
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This comprehensive review synthesizes a diverse body of academic research focused on elevating the instructional capabilities of educators, particularly within applied universities. It offers a comprehensive overview of faculty development, such as professional growth, role clarity among educators, career progression, conflict resolution and teachers' development. By drawing insights from a multitude of research studies on faculty development in China, this review examines 25 articles published since 2006. It is found that most schools mainly focus on two main aspects of teacher management:the development of teacher quality and teachers develop management models. In fact, with the change and development of The Times, more and more young people join this profession as teachers. According to the current actual situation, many universities begin to change the management methods of young group ability improvement, such as more emphasis on encouraging young teachers to participate in relevant competitions. The purpose of this paper is to find out the research focus of teacher capacity improvement management in universities and track its evolution, so as to identify the emerging focus in the field of teacher management.
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