Evaluation of people quality of life development of the operations district health board in Nonthaburi Province
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Evaluation of people quality of life development of the operations district health board (DHB) in Nonthaburi Province. The aims of this study were to assess of the situation, problem, solution of the operations DHB for improving the people's quality of life in Nonthaburi province. This research uses a mixed data collection method. The sample group consisted of DHB amount 103 persons. The data was collected in January- April 2023. The research tool used to collect qualitative data by focus group discussions was a questionnaire on situations, problems, and solutions to the implementation of the people's quality of life development of the DHB in Nonthaburi Province. Quantitative data were collected using a satisfaction assessment form for the roles and responsibilities of DHB and evaluation of the results of the improvement of the people's quality of life development of the DHB in Nonthaburi Province. Qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis and descriptive statistics were used for quantitative data analysis.
The results of the study found that the model for quality of life development at the district level had a DHB as the main driving committee in Nonthaburi Province, define development issues, development plans, integration of resources, supervise, follow up and evaluate. However, there are some limitations that need to be addressed, especially in the understanding of roles and responsibilities in DHB. They suggest for development of the competency of DHB, media or more public relations channels for operations to people. For satisfaction assessment of the roles and duties of the DHB in Nonthaburi Province, it was at a high level (X̅=3.83±0.74) and the results of the performance evaluation of the people's quality of life development of the DHB in Nonthaburi Province according to the CIPPIEST Model theory, it was generally effective at a good level (X̅=3.83±0.74).
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