Socio-culture effect on family size

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Rauf Azhar Sugeri


Studies about population growth would always be connected with fertility, fertility has another wide coverage that relates to another dimension such as politics, economy, social, and culture. Generally cases related to fertility are viewed from macro and micro perspective, on the other side can be viewed from socio-cultured, socio-economy, and family size perspective. This systematic review was made based on PRISMA with secondary data onto journals and previous articles with specific keywords. Results from this systematic review show that family size is affected by socio-cultural, where the culture had an effect on the total child born. Besides that, there's a government policy, mother age, and country program. All of that had an effect on family decisions on having children that will affect family size.



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Azhar Sugeri, R. (2023). Socio-culture effect on family size. Journal of Applied Social Sciences, 1(1), 1–11. Retrieved from
Research Article


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