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Pholwat Wilaichuenpon


          This research has a purpose for Study the service level according to the Decalam of the municipal district. And compare the administration according to the principles of the municipalityality district. The population and group of examples used in this research are people who live in the municipal area of the office of the Faculty of Defense, number 14,139 people. Bring to the size of the sample used in research. By using the formula of Taro Yamane Get 389 sample groups. The tools used in research are queries. Use specific nandom methods to collect data. The statistics used in this research include frequency percent mean standard deviation. To compare the use of statistics t-test and F-test one-way anova. And test a couple of ways seheffe’s.


Research results found that    

  1. Personal factors of questionnaire found that most queries of female queries are female. Under 30 years With education levels at a bachelor’s degree, have a general mercenary profession. And earned between 15,001-20,000 baht.

  2. The level of administration, according to the Decalma principle of the municipal district, Gueraphum, kula in a largel level of training.

  3. The result of comparing the average level of management at the High school of the High school. Classify according to personal factors, age and different career. People have comments about the administration of the municipal principles of the municipalities of the Mae Hong District. Statistically, at the level .05

  4. The result of comparing the average level of management at the High school of the High school. Classify according to personal factors, education levels and monthly revenue. People have comments about the management of the sacred departmrnt of the municipality district. Statistically, at the level .05

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