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Pra Chaiyapat Boonpan


      This independent study aimed to (1)compare the consumer’s purchase intention of vegetarian food in Bangkok area classified by the population characteristics, (2) investigate the influence of marketing mix factors on consumer’s purchase intention of vegetarian food in Bangkok area. The samples were 400 customers who visited Mangkon Kamalawat temple. The questionnaire was use to gather data from the sample group. The statistics used for data analysis were Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, t-test and F-test and Multiple Regression analysis The result revealed that most of the sample group were female (55.25%), aged more than 50 years old (53.75%), marriage/had couple (52.00%), educated in Bachelor’s degree (54.25%), worked in private company (27.00%), monthly average income was more than 25,001 Baht and frequency in entering the temple was less than 2 times per week
(70.25%). The overall marketing mix factors was in moderate level (X = 3.03), the highest score was Product (X = 3.48), Promotion (X = 2.94), Place (X = 2.85) and Price (X = 2.84), respectively. The result of hypothesis testing found that the difference of demographic characteristic of consumer in term of gender, age, educational level, occupation, monthly income and frequency in entering the temple had statistically significant influence on consumer’s purchase intention of vegetarian food in Bangkok area at 0.05 level. The marketing mix factors in term of Product and Promotion statistically significant affected consumer’s purchase intention of
vegetarian food in Bangkok area at 0.05 level.

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Research Articles