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Natsarun Arayapong


    This research is entitled with the people participation of local development plan formulation, E-Pad Tambon Administrative Organization, Kanthararom District, Sisaket Province. This paper is aimed to study of participation level’s people into local development plan scheme initiative for E-Pad Tambon Administrative Organization, Kanthararom District, Sisaket Province. Additionally, this paper is emphasis on problem and resolution to people participation for local development plan formulation into E-Pad Tambon Administrative Organization, Kanthararom District, Sisaket Province. This paper is mixed method of research technique by means of the quantitative research instrument such as data collection of questionnaire. The research sample is from people aged from 18 years old who reside in E-Pad Tambon Administrative Organization, Kanthararom District, Sisaket Province for 338 respondents. The research instrument is the data collection from questionnaire to people participation for local development plan formulation into E-Pad Tambon Administrative Organization, Kanthararom District, Sisaket Province. The research
finding result is divided into 3 sections by Alpha Coefficient value at 0.87 from questionnaire & data manipulation analysis by statistics, Means, Frequency, Percentage, and Standard of Deviation. The qualitative research is from in-depth interview which is research sample from specific selection such as community leader 5 villages 5 respondents. The research instrument is structure interview questionnaire, focus group and content analysis manipulation technique.

      The research finding result is as follow: 1. The people participation of local development plan formulation is from E-Pad
Tambon Administrative Organization, Kanthararom District, Sisaket Province which finds that people participation of local development plan formulation into E-Pad Tambon Administrative Organization, Kanthararom District, Sisaket Province at middle level of all entire score by Mean value at 3.35 from each aspect consideration priority from the maximum value to at least value. The decision making aspect is at middle level for Mean of 3.40. The collaborative procedure is at middle level for Mean of 3.46. The collaborative benefit earning aspect is at middle level for Mean of 3.39. The collaborative monitor and evaluation aspect is at middle level for Mean of 3.26 consequently. 2. The research finding result is related with problem and resolution to people participation in local development plan formulation E-Pad Tambon Administrative Organization, Kanthararom District, Sisaket Province as follow. (1) The participation of decision making aspect is involved with the largely people without understanding comprehension to local development plan formulation by none self-confidence opinion expression. The local leader has been participated formulation
and project proposal the local development plan. The participants have different opinion of conflict dispute and limited budget which cause the delay project action without goal achievement attainment. Tambon Administrative Organization & community leader should encourage and stimulate public relation to people participation for public hearing & decision making determination the importance of people participation local development plan formulation including problem analysis, need assessment of people before problem resolution decision making action consequently. (2) The collaborative participation aspect is relevance with people participation to local development plan formulation at the least level value which is followed with workshop action plan or activities of Tambon Administrative Organization without local development plan approach. Tambon Administrative Organization should take action along way with local development plan scheme initiative especially basic infrastructure such as
Concrete Street & agriculture electricity and training course of narcotics suppression campaign program, knowledge dissemination to juvenile & youth including community people, source of fund for local development so far. (3) The participation of benefit earning aspect is involved with people benefit without worldwide & inequity due to patronage relationship of benefit allocation. The
committee must formulate the plan without morale and motivation incentives due to none return payment. The budget allocation is from local development plan decentralization in all entire community with equity and justice. The committee should allocate social welfare spending cost for working committee payment & agent to morale and motivation incentive of workforce including career training course program for people all aspects. (4) The participation of collaborative monitor and evaluation is related without people understanding comprehension to monitor & assessment evaluation the local development plan. The recommendation is emphasis on representative agent of people from all villages’ participation on monitor and evaluation assessment. The appraisal process must the diversity techniques as well as result report of people worldwide including evaluation committee payment for increased proliferation working efficiency so long.

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