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Dheetawat Nukulkij


     This research is focused on the study of marketing factors of used car. with the purpose to compare the decision making behavior on the purchases of the used car of consumers in Bangkok Metropolis. Sampling groups used in this study are 385 consumers in
Bangkok Metropolis Area by using Questionnaires as the instruments in gathering data. Analysis statistics are frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation, One-Way ANOVA and Multiple Regression Analysis by Statistical Package for the Social Sciences It is found as a result of the study that

      Majority of the consumers are of male their aged between 26 and 35 years; under
married status; having education of Bachelor Degree level; monthly incomes from 15,000 to 25,000 Baht. Marketing mix in the overalls and by the aspect is in high level except on the aspect of the products which is in highest level. The decision making behavior on the purchases of the secondhand vans is found to be that the consumers used the time in making their decisions to purchase the secondhand vans at the maximum of 4 months and at the minimum of 1 month. The consumers used their times in gathering data from secondhand van dealer tents for use in support of their decision makings to purchase the secondhand vans
at the maximum of 6 months at one tent, at least. If there should be a close associate or an acquaintance desiring to purchase a secondhand van, he would be recommended to purchase the secondhand van from such particular tent. Brand name of the secondhand vans most purchased is Toyota. The main objective in purchasing the secondhand vans is for the business other than for utilizing as a means of transportation to work and the person having most influence to the decision making in purchasing a secondhand van is the person in the family/cousin. It is found, as a result of hypothetical test, that consumers with the difference
in sex, age, occupation, educational level, income per month possess the decision making behavior on the purchase of the used car on the aspect of period of time (month) used in the decisions making on the purchase of the used car s differently with implicitly statistical significance at the level of .05. On the aspect of the number of the dealer tents for use in gathering data to support the decision making on the purchase of the secondhand vans is different with implicitly statistical significance at the level of .05. Consumers with the difference in age, occupation, educational level, income per month possess the decision making behavior
on the purchase of the secondhand vans on the aspect if there should be a close associate or an acquaintance desiring to purchase the secondhand vans and would recommend him to purchase the secondhand van from such particular dealer tent differently with implicitly statistical significance at the level of .05 .Consumers with the difference in educational level possess the decision making behavior on the purchase of the secondhand vans on the aspect of the number of the dealer tents for use in gathering data to support the decision making on the purchase of the secondhand vans (tent) differently with implicitly statistical significance at
the level of .05.

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