Analysis of Teachers' Connection of Mathematics to the Real-World Practices using Concept Mapping Construction
Concept Mapping, Connect Mathematics Lessons to Real WorldAbstract
This research aimed to analyze and synthesize instructional guidelines for integrating mathematics into the practical contexts of teaching, using concept mapping construction derived from diverse sources, documents, and interviews. Samples were purposively selected based on the profiles of 9 mathematics teachers with degrees in various mathematical fields relevant to education. Data was collected through document analysis from various sources, and teacher interview data underwent content analysis. Subsequently, the collected data were summarized, synthesized, and transformed into a concept diagram, which was then evaluated in three iterations: the concept diagram from the literature, the concept diagram from teacher interviews, and the comprehensive concept diagram. The assessed concept diagram serves as a practical guide for teachers seeking to connect mathematics to real-world contexts. The findings revealed that teachers commonly provide examples of linking mathematics to real-world situations, with a preference for scenarios relevant to their students or immediate surroundings. Educational resources such as math books, online platforms, departmental training activities, and field trips are frequently employed. Teachers adopt active learning methods, emphasizing student practice, and employ thought-provoking questions and scenario-based assignments. Effective examples are characterized by defined learning objectives, appropriate language usage, and relevance to real-world contexts. Inappropriateness of examples often stems from the absence of two critical elements: 1) logical justification and 2) articulation of the value or application of the concept in the real world. Teachers organize various math activities, including surveys, hands-on exercises, collaborative discussions, observational practices, and presentation activities. Challenges in linking mathematics to real-world contexts are attributed to teachers' insufficient preparedness in terms of time and attitude, while students often lack essential knowledge, attention, and concentration.
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