Development of The New Four-tier Diagnostic Test for Diagnosing Mathematics Misconception


  • Weerawat Oat-ngam Master of Education Student Program in Department of Educational Research and Psychology, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, 10330, Thailand.
  • Nhabhat Chaimongkol Department of Educational Research and Psychology, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, 10330, Thailand


New Four-tier, Diagnostic Test, Diagnosing, Mathematics Misconception


The purposes of this study were 1) to compare diagnostic results of the three-tier and the new four-tier diagnostic tests in diagnosing mathematical misconceptions, and 2) to analyze the congruence among diagnostic results from the three-tier, the new four-tier diagnostic test, and think-aloud interviews. The development was separated into two phases: exploring misconceptions and developing and validating the psychometric properties of the three-tier and the new four-tier diagnostic tests for diagnosing mathematical misconceptions. A total of 60 eleventh-grade students participated in the new four-tier diagnostic testing. Research instruments included interview forms, the three-tier diagnostic test, and the new four-tier diagnostic test. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, difficulty index, discrimination index, reliability, Pearson’s correlation, and criterion-related validity. The research findings indicate that 1) the results of the study showed a high correlation level (r = .976, p < .001) between the three-tier and the new four-tier diagnostic tests, and 2) the correlation between diagnostic results of the new four-tier diagnostic test and think-aloud interviews was not different from the results of the three-tier diagnostic and think-aloud interviews.


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How to Cite

Oat-ngam, W. ., & Chaimongkol, N. . (2024). Development of The New Four-tier Diagnostic Test for Diagnosing Mathematics Misconception. Journal of Research Methodology, 37(1), 33–50. Retrieved from



Research Article