Analysis of Growth Curve Modeling of Students’ Moral Reasoning on Applications of Modern Biotechnology


  • Onrumpa Kumnuanek Department of Education, Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, 10900, Thailand
  • Pongprapan Pongsopon Department of Education, Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, 10900, Thailand
  • Uriwan Aranyawat Department of Education, Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, 10900, Thailand


Application of Modern Biotechnology, Growth Curve Modeling, Moral Reasoning


This study examined the growth of students’ moral reasoning on the moral dilemma of applications of modern biotechnology. A total of 206 high school students participated in this study. They underwent four waves of assessment over one semester. We validated a hypothesized model of longitudinal data using a multilevel analysis framework by Mplus 8.0. The results showed that 32.6% of the total variance was due to individual differences (intraclass coefficient = .326). There was variation in terms of students’ initial moral reasoning scores (  = 2.719, p < .001). At an intrapersonal level, moral reasoning can be explained by time and moral sensitivity. Moral reasoning would increase by 0.19 point in each subsequent measurement (p < .05).  At an interpersonal level, the mean of initial moral reasoning was 11.33 points (p < .01) and at the initial point, girls scored 1.377 points more than boys on the moral reasoning measure. Knowledge of DNA technologies and previous biology achievement could not explain the within- and between-person variance of moral reasoning, respectively. The pedagogical implications for moral education were also discussed.


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How to Cite

Kumnuanek, O. ., Pongsopon, P. ., & Aranyawat, U. . (2024). Analysis of Growth Curve Modeling of Students’ Moral Reasoning on Applications of Modern Biotechnology. Journal of Research Methodology, 37(1), 1–16. Retrieved from



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