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Development of Curriculum Platform Innovation and Extend Process of Learning in Emergency Medicine for Educational Institutes in Chiang Mai


  • Sakda Swathanan Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand.
  • Somkiart Intasingh Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand.
  • Nampueng Intanate Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand.
  • Kanokwan Aungkasith Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand.


Innovative Curriculum Platform, Medical Emergency Learning Management, Basic Education Curriculum


This research aimed to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of an innovative curriculum platform designed to enhance learning outcomes in emergency medicine for educational institutions in Chiang Mai province. The study employed a research and development methodology, which was executed in four steps. The first step involved the study and synthesis of relevant information, targeting administrators and teachers in educational institutions. In the second step, an innovative curriculum platform was designed, with experts in emergency medicine assessing the quality of the innovation using a specialized assessment form. The third step involved the application of the innovation, and the fourth focused on evaluating its effectiveness. The target groups for the third and fourth steps included leading teachers, teachers, students, and college students who participated in the extended use of the innovation. Quantitative data were analyzed using frequencies, percentages, arithmetic means, and standard deviations, while qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis. The research findings revealed that the developed curriculum platform consists of nine components: 1) training courses for leading teachers, 2) a teaching package for health education, 3) teaching and learning tools for class teachers, 4) integrated lesson plans on emergency medical knowledge across various subjects, 5) life skills activities, 6) learner development activities, 7) Moderate Class More Knowledge activities, 8) a compiled website of teaching media and lesson plans, and 9) a process for expanding the integrated curriculum from leading teachers to school teachers. The evaluation by senior experts indicated that the innovation was of the highest quality. Furthermore, the effectiveness study found that leading teachers, teachers, and students demonstrated a good level of emergency medical knowledge and basic skills in resuscitation and the use of an AED, with all criteria being met.


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How to Cite

Swathanan, S., Intasingh, S. ., Intanate, N. ., & Aungkasith, K. . (2024). Development of Curriculum Platform Innovation and Extend Process of Learning in Emergency Medicine for Educational Institutes in Chiang Mai. Journal of Research Methodology, 37(2), 89–108. Retrieved from



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