An Action Research for Developing Both Teacher Competencies and Border Patrol Police Schools in Chiang Mai Province Towards Sustainable Development


  • Kiatsuda Srisuk Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, 50200, Thailand.


Action Research, Developing Teacher Competencies, Border Patrol Police Schools in Chiang Mai Province


The purpose of this research was to systematically address the challenges and requirements in developing a comprehensive model aimed at enhancing both teacher competencies and the educational environment of border patrol police schools in Chiang Mai province, with a focus on fostering sustainable development. Additionally, the study aimed to assess the outcomes of implementing this model. The key findings are summarized as follows: The proposed model is grounded in a robust conceptual framework that encompasses the understanding, assessment, and enhancement of all dimensions. The procedural steps include: (1) analyzing the initial costs for development, (2) fostering understanding and establishing common goals collaboratively with all stakeholders, (3) collectively designing a model to address the unique challenges of border patrol police schools, (4) taking concerted action to establish common goals and design a model that fosters learners' competency through holistic integration, and (5) implementing and evaluating the model in classroom settings, with ongoing support through coaching and mentoring. Observations of changes in competencies across the board indicated that teachers exhibited increased proficiency in all four components, particularly in organizing active learning. Principals demonstrated enhanced abilities in designing, planning, and managing schools for more effective learning management, aligning with the overarching objective of learner development. Students' average scores in Thai language witnessed improvement, showcasing the schools as exemplars in active learning management grounded in the integration of surrounding phenomena and spatial identity. This approach is congruent with adapting education to evolving community dynamics, serving as a foundation for developing students' competency. Cooperative development schools showcased the ability to collaborate effectively, fostering sustainability through shared processes.


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How to Cite

Srisuk, K. (2023). An Action Research for Developing Both Teacher Competencies and Border Patrol Police Schools in Chiang Mai Province Towards Sustainable Development. Journal of Research Methodology, 36(3), 232–252. retrieved from



Research Article