Development of Feedback Competency Scale for Foreign Language Teachers
Feedback, Foreign Language Teachers, Competency ScaleAbstract
This research aims to 1) develop and validate the psychometric properties of a scale for evaluating the feedback competency of foreign language teachers, 2) create descriptors and establish cutoff scores for the feedback competency assessment based on the Wright Map 3) assess the feedback competency of foreign language teachers, and 4) evaluate the perceptions of these teachers regarding the feedback competency assessment. This study examines the psychometric properties using both Classical Test Theory and Item Response Theory with an initial sample of 480 participants. Descriptors and cutoff scores were formulated according to the Wright Map principles, tested on 1,612 participants. The results were analyzed for background variable differences using three-way ANOVA and descriptive statistics. Additionally, the teachers' opinions on the assessment tool were gathered and evaluated. The findings indicate that the feedback competency assessment exhibits acceptable psychometric properties and successfully identifies two high-quality cutoff scores with comprehensive descriptors. The large-scale testing revealed that the overall feedback competency of the sample was classified as "competent." Comparisons based on background variables indicated no statistically significant differences. Furthermore, the teachers' perceptions of the feedback competency assessment overall were at a high level.
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