กรณีศึกษา: การพยาบาลผู้ป่วยโรคจิตเภทจากการใช้สารเสพติดเมทแอมเฟตามีน
Nursing care, schizophrenia patient, methamphetamineบทคัดย่อ
The objectives of case study were to 1) nursing care schizophrenia patient according to the doctor's nursing diagnoses, and 2) evaluated effectiveness of schizophrenia patient nursing. This was a descriptive study to treatment Thai male patient with 29 years of age who was admitted in Rajavithi Hospital on October 5, 2021, by voluntary system. The patient was irritated. restlessness, confused conversation, not making eye contact, cross-eyed during conversation. The first diagnosis by the doctor that patient had a mental disorder and had behavior what happened by using the other nervous system stimulants including coffee. The patient got treatment and rehabilitation at Rajavithi Hospital until September 5, 2022, to 9 times. There were nurses providing treatment and nursing according to the doctor's seven nursing diagnoses.
The results of nursing care found that 1) The patient has no aggressive behavior toward himself and others, could tell how to appropriate self-thoughts and emotions management, higher self-confidence and accept self-worth. 2) The patient was able to explain the methamphetamine side effects, and told how to self-care to don't get addicted again at right. 3) The patient was learning and understanding dangers of methamphetamine use, correctly answer questions about methamphetamine dangers and effects at right. 4) The patient does not side effects symptom from use of psychiatric drugs, including no drowsiness, no hand shaking, no dry mouth and no dry throat, able to take normally daily activities and take medicine according to the doctor's treatment plan. 5) The patient sleeps normally by takes about 5-6 hours to sleep at night. 6) The patient gave continuous treatment cooperation, changed behavior better, cannot control emotions sometime, could adapt faster with help from nurses, and accept assistance 7) The patient and relatives understood the nurses' advice and was ready to self-care when at home.
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