

  • สุวัฒนี จันทร์ศักดา คณะสหเวชศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยปทุมธานี


Nursing care, stroke patient, diabetes, hypertension


The objectives of this study were to examine the effectiveness of nursing care stroke patients with also diabetes and hypertension according to the doctor nursing diagnosis. This was a descriptive study of one stroke patient with diabetes and hypertension who was admitted in Rajavithi Hospital. He was a Thai male patient with 60 year of age who has dizziness, speaks slurred and slower, a distorted face, a weak right limb, and a staggering walk. He was first diagnosed with a transient ischemic attack. The doctor prescribed RT-PA in primary treatment. The brain was sent to EKG and CT brain examination, and a new diagnosis was given as ischemic stroke with left middle cerebral artery. The doctor admitted him for further treatment in the hospital to do physical therapy and rehabilitation. There were nurses providing treatment and nursing according to the doctor's nine nursing diagnoses.

              The results of nursing care for patients found that 1) after receiving anticoagulant medication, the patient was awake and feeling better. 2) The patient had no headache, no bleeding points were found on the body, and vital signs were normal. 3) The patient has grade 5 strength level in the right limb and the left limb. 4) The patient had no accidental falls.       5) The patients do their daily activities more and relatives providing care and assistance. 6) The patients and relatives participate in decisions regarding treatment and rehabilitation, the self-care of patients and relatives was in accordance with the medical treatment plan. 7) The patient has normal consciousness, no severe headaches, no convulsions, no nausea, vomiting, or dizziness, speaking clearly, no distorted face, and no weakness or stagger in the right limb. 8) The patients and relatives' expressions of anxiety eased, they smiled, talked well, were in a good mood, were not irritated, and cooperated well in various activities. and 9) The patients and relatives understand about stroke, diabetes, hypertension, and atherosclerosis, and the patient will take medicine as prescribed by the doctor and have follow-up examinations when returning to recuperate at home.


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How to Cite

จันทร์ศักดา ส. . (2025). ผลการพยาบาลผู้ป่วยโรคหลอดเลือดสมองที่มีโรคเบาหวานและโรคความดันโลหิตสูงร่วมด้วย . วารสารบริหารการพัฒนานวัตกรรมเชิงบูรณาการ, 5(1), 48–63. สืบค้น จาก https://so12.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/IIDMJ/article/view/1390